School Improvement Priorities
Our plan for 2019-20
- Improve reading across the curriculum:
- We will be improving the quality of teaching in guided reading
- There will be an improved phonics programme for early years and years one and two
- The new library will be ready for children in Y3-6
- New guided reading books will be purchased for the early stages of reading
- Develop a broad curriculum
- Improve teachers’ subject knowledge through continuing professional development
- Create a provision map which includes detailed provision in science, history and geography
- Create knowledge organisers in science, history and geography which can be shared with parents and children
- Improve pupils’ vocabulary knowledge
- Ensure there are opportunities for children to write for different purposes across a range of subjects
- Working together across the federation of St Thomas’ and St Clement and St James
- Continue to ensure schools maintain their own identities and ethos while working together on a shared vision for both school
- Look at how we can make savings through shared purchasing of resources
- Share continuing professional development for staff
- Pay careful attention to staff workload and well-being by dong less, better
- Improve our IT infrastructure so we can share resources between the schools
- Work together as one federated governing body
Ofsted included some areas for development in their most recent report:
- For teachers to build on the improvements in writing at KS2 to provide a greater consistency of high-quality practice, particularly for middle-attaining pupils and boys.
- To continue to reduce persistent absenteeism, particularly for children in the Reception Year, so that the number of days on which pupils miss school falls further.
Governors have agreed priorities for improvement and shared them in a leaflet for parents below.