Behaviour and Relationships

All staff and pupils have high expectations of behaviour and it is expected that staff are role models for children. Our reward systems and sanctions are explained very clearly to all children. Our school values underpin how we manage behaviour. We encourage children to take responsibility for their actions, learning to recognise that actions have consequences and that if we make a mistake, we should try and put it right. Regular Mindup lessons help children to self-regulate and understand their own and one another’s behaviours. 

Forgiveness is a key part of our school. When children have made a mistake, they are given an opportunity to change their behaviour and have a fresh start. When necessary, an appropriate sanction will be given. We encourage children to forgive each other when they hurt each other’s feelings. We recognise this is sometimes difficult but through restorative conversations, we work with children to mend and restore friendships. We strive for our children to be intrinsically motivated to make positive choices, enjoying school life within a loving and secure environment. We work in partnership with parents and carers to help children to manage their feelings and behaviour appropriately, building strong and trusting relationships with all members of the school community.

Our values 

Our six school values are compassion, creativity, forgiveness, friendship, thankfulness and excellence. Our assemblies and class Circle Times allow us opportunities to reflect on these values and how we conduct ourselves in school.


Children are praised regularly for demonstrating:

  • Christian Values 
  • Positive attitudes toward learning
  • Effort in all areas of learning and personal development 

Friday Collective Worship

Learning Leaders Badges: Each week, class teachers choose a pupil who has consistently demonstrated the following positive learning attributes:

Loud clear voice
Everybody contributes respectfully
Active listening
Resilience and perseverance
Neat presentation in books and in person

It is expected that every child will have the opportunity to receive a Learning Leader badge during the academic year. These badges have been designed by the children and are worn for a whole week at school.

Green cards:

We celebrate two children from each class who have received a green card for excellent effort in their learning and/or for following our Christian values. These children are given the opportunity to say why they have received their green card in front of the whole school community.

Top Table: 

Children from each year group are rewarded a certificate for polite manners and excellent behaviour during lunchtimes. These children can choose a friend to sit on a Top Table for lunch on a Friday.


We celebrate those who have 100% attendance and a child with full attendance and excellent punctuality receives a new book.

Angel of the week: 

A child who has consistently demonstrated our Christian values, has their photograph taken by our feather display board in the main reception area; this photograph is posted onto the school’s weekly newsletter.

Class systems

Class teachers use behaviour charts in class and this system encourages children to reach ‘golden land’, a ‘rainbow’ or a ‘smiley face’ for demonstrating desired behaviours. When a child demonstrates consistent positive behaviour for learning, they can also be awarded a green card. 


Children whose behaviour disturbs their own or others’ learning are moved down on the behaviour chart in class and persistent negative behaviour can result in them receiving a maximum of two yellow cards. These warnings remind them that they need to make good choices and change their behaviour. They are given opportunities to reflect on what they need to do in order to achieve a green card and move back up on the behaviour chart in class. Children who demonstrate persistent negative behaviours after these warnings, will receive a red card and these are logged by class teachers and shared with senior leaders. Parents will be informed of serious negative behaviours.