Relationships, Sex and Health Education (RSHE)

Aims and purpose of Relationships and Health Education

Many children and young people today are growing up in an increasingly complex world and living their lives both on and offline. This means that they are presented with many positive and exciting opportunities, but also challenges and risks. In this environment, children and young people need to know how to be safe and healthy, and how to manage their personal, social and academic lives in a positive way. Therefore, the aim of Relationships Education at our school is to enable children to:

  • flourish
  • live and learn safely in the modern world
  • gain the knowledge, skills and confidence to make their own positive, safe and healthy choices
  • develop their own values, attitudes and opinions
  • be able to consider the consequences of their behaviour and choices
  • safeguard and care for themselves and others
  • develop resilience to cope with life’s ups and downs, but know how to access help if they need it
  • respect themselves and others, and build positive relationships 

Aims and purpose of Sex Education

This is recommended by the government to be taught in an age-appropriate, timely manner in all primary schools.  At our school, sex education is taught in Year 6 and it refers specifically to learning about human conception.  Children learn the facts of sexual intercourse and this will be complemented by learning about the laws regarding sexual intercourse and by discussions about respecting others’ rights and bodies. Pupils will learn that positive, caring environments are essential for the development of good self-image and that individuals are in charge of and responsible for their own bodies. They will be supported to acquire skills and attitudes which allow them to manage their relationships in a responsible and healthy manner.

Please refer to our RSHE policy for more information

Useful Links

Below are a number of useful links to further information and reading

Statutory guidance for Relationships, Sex and Health Education from the DfE, 2019

Valuing All God’s Children: the Church of England’s guidance on challenging homophobic, biphobic and transphobic bullying

Coram Life Foundation’s SCARF scheme

​Video clips

Love Has No Labels (tolerance and acceptance, diversity of relationships)

Draw Me A Firefighter (gender stereotypes)

ITV Planet Child: Boys’ and Girls’ Strength Test (gender stereotypes)

Norway social experiment for International Women’s Day (gender equality)

Red: A Crayon’s Story by Michael Hall (a lovely children’s book about tolerance and acceptance)

Consultation on RSHE (Relationships Sex and Health Education) - 9th July 2020

Please have a look at the recording of our consultation with parents on 9th July 2020. You will be able to see the aims and details of the new curriculum explained by Emily Lay.