Year 2
Google Classroom
From Monday 8th June all of your online learning will be found on Google Classroom. Please refer to the information sheet below to access your account.
Daily Activities
These are your daily activities for this week. Try to do as many of them as you can everyday.
Reminders about your home learning
A reminder that…
- You do not have to do your home learning in a set order. You can pick and choose which order you would like to work through the tasks.
- If you do not complete all tasks, please do not panic.
- There will be some activities that are set each day, and some tasks that you will do everyday (spellings, reading, maths facts).
- Record your home learning in an exercise book or on paper if you'd like to. If you are able to you can print out the sheets too but you don't have to.
- Each week you could choose a piece of home learning that you are proud of and send it to school. Please send it to: and write your name and year group as the subject of the email. We would love to see the learning you have been doing at home. You might even see some of your home learning shared on Instagram!
Most importantly, have fun with your learning! On the website are links to other tasks you can do if you want to do a bit extra.
Keep active. This week you could try these Disney dance alongs:
Or you could continue using:
Read your own book for 15 minutes
Timestable Rockstars
Please spend 10 minutes everyday on practising your times tables on Timestable Rockstars
Bonds within 20
We have now learn all the pairs of numbers that make all of the numbers up to 20. Well done!
Spend this week practicing subtraction facts facts.
The whole is ___. One part is ___. The other part is ___.
___ - ___ = ___
Can you answer the facts in 3 seconds?
This week is about the w special spellings. After w the short sound /o/ is usually spelled with the letter a.
Can spell them all? Pick five new words from your reading book and practise them. Can you write five sentences with them in?
You can play some spelling games here too:
You can practise reading the flashcards here:
- Activity for Monday. Words to test in the Quick Mix Review: fridge rice knock wrote badge space know wrap
- Activity for Tuesday
- Activity for Wednesday
- Activity for Thursday
Spend 10 minutes on Phonics Play. Choose a Phase 5 activity.
Use the details below to login for free access.
Pick a few letters to practise and try and form them correctly, keeping the letters on the line.
Look below for how we form them correctly.
Week Commencing 8th June 2020
Monday 8th June
Good morning Year 2. All of your online learning will be found on Google Classroom from today. Please make sure that you have logged in and complete the lessons on there.
Have a lovely week.
Week Commencing 1st June 2020
Staff Training Day
Dear Parents and Carers,
I hope you all had a lovely half term.
Today is a staff training day so there won't be any work uploaded to the website. If you would like to do some activities today then you can choose some of the activities here: https://www.thenational.academ...
There are lots of different ones to choose from.
Make sure that you choose the clubs for primary.
Have fun today and remember to check back tomorrow for your home learning!
Tuesday 2nd June
Hello everyone,
Please follow the links to the teacher videos for your home learning. Soon we will be moving over to Google Classroom. We will be posting and texting you more information about this soon!
Follow the link and complete the lesson with the teacher.
Follow the link: The Firework Maker’s Daughter: To retrieve information
Maths Home Learning
Introduction to the multiplication symbol
Today we are going to look at repeated groups that are equal, which can be represented by a repeated addition expression. As we continue learning about repeated addition expressions, we are also going to introduce a multiplication expression, for example 4 + 4 + 4 as 4 x 3.
Follow the link: Introduction to the multiplication symbol
Religious Education Home Learning
In today's lesson we will be learning all about how the religion of Judaism began. We'll learn about Abraham, an important prophet who lived 4000 years ago.
Follow the link: What was the first covenant between Abraham and God?
Wednesday 3rd June
Today we are going to continue reading our new story, 'The Firemaker's Daughter'. We are going to practise some spellings. Then we will focus on our reading skills and answering questions about the story.
Follow the link: The Firework Maker’s Daughter: To find the meaning of words
Maths Home Learning
Matching repeated addition expressions to multiplication expressions
During today's lesson, you are going to learn how a repeated addition expression can also be expressed as a multiplication expression. You will see how both expressions can be used to represent the same thing. At the end of today's lesson, you will be asked to make a matching activity that will be used again in a later lesson.
Follow the link: Matching repeated addition expressions to multiplication expressions
Mind Up
Rachel's Day in the Garden
This week in MIND UP we are going to read and act out Rachel's Day in the Garden.
Please, listen to the story called 'Rachel's Day in the Garden' and follow the instructions by acting out key words that match the movements demonstrated by the main character, Rachel.
As Rachel is practising her poses in the garden, you can use your outdoor area to copy her moves. You can however find any space at home - the more comfortable the space is the more enjoyable the yoga session will be!
While copying the poses, remember to practise your mindful breathing and mindful listening, too. Birds singing outside or relaxing instrumental music can be very helpful while mastering your mindful moving!
Remember that you can always ask your family members to join in. And send us a photo of your movements, if you wish to!
Thursday 4th June
Good morning everyone! I hope you are all well. Here is your home learning for today. Please try logging onto our new Google Classroom too.
If you are finding it tricky then you can watch the parent guide which might help you:
We are looking forward to using it from next week!
English home learning
Today we are going to continue our learning about the Firework Maker's Daughter. Today we are going to be thinking about the features of instructions. What do all instructions need to include?
Follow the link: https://www.thenational.academ...
Maths Home Learning
Matching multiplication expressions to images and contexts
Today Bongo the puppet will be explaining how he has matched expressions from the previous lesson. You will be asked to use objects to represent multiplication expressions focusing on how many groups there are and how many are in each group. You will look at different representations and eventually, you will be asked to insert missing numbers into a multiplication expression.
Hand Washing
Why is hand washing important?
Follow the link: https://www.thenational.academ...
We are continuing our learning about shadows. Today we are thinking: How can you change the size of a shadow?
Follow the link: https://www.thenational.academ...
Friday 5th June
Good morning everyone! Please look at your home learning for today. Please also log into Google Classroom and say hello to me there!
English Home Learning
Today you will be identifying and using adverbs - look at the link here: https://www.thenational.academ...
Maths Home Learning
Further reasoning about multiplication expressions
Today we are going to focus on what each number represents in a multiplication expression. You will be asked to agree or disagree about whether a sentence matches a representation. For example, as three Numberblock Four characters appear you will agree or disagree whether there are three fours and then consider how this might be written as a multiplication expression.
Follow the link here:
Try some Spanish today!
Week Commencing 18th May 2020
Monday 18th May
Hello everyone! We have some lovely home learning for you today. Remember to have a look at the daily tasks too - there are some extra worksheets for spelling this week.
Peter Rabbit Writing
Please enjoy the Peter Rabbit story first by clicking here
Then look at the activities for the week and complete Monday's activity.
After completing the activity for Monday you can enjoy an animation of the story:
Maths Activity
Today you are going to describe the number of groups and the number in each group. You are going to look at different scenarios such as children on fairground rides and practise using the sentences: ‘There are __ equal groups of ___.’, ‘There are __ in each group.’ and ‘There are __groups of __.’ You are also going to move objects into equal groups as well as circle groups and again practise connecting each number to the representation.
This week we are thinking about how shadows are formed. Watch the video and join in the lesson: https://www.thenational.academ...
Tuesday 19th May
Hello Everyone! Below are your daily activities. Remember to do the daily tasks too!
English Activity for Tuesday 19th May
Today we are writing a character description
First read or watch the story again.
Today we are going to write a character description of Peter Rabbit.
First we are going to describe his personality. That is what his character is like on the inside.
Then we will describe his appearance. That is what he looks like on the outside.
Miss Wilson has written a description of Mr. McGregor. Can you see the difference between ‘personality’ and ‘appearance’?
Mr. McGregor Personality
Mr. McGregor is a superb gardener! He enjoys planting vegetables in the spring time and eating the pies that Mrs. McGregor makes for him. He doesn’t like it when rabbits sneak into his garden and eat his plants.
He has a long, white beard and a red nose. He wears an old, brown waistcoat with shiny, silver buttons. He also has round glasses.
Now it is your turn...
First write some sentences about his personality. You can use the word mat for some ideas.
You can use these sentence starters to help you:
Peter is a ... rabbit.
He always ...
He never ...
Peter likes ... but he does not like ...
Now write about Peter Rabbit's appearance. You can use the word mat for some ideas.
Peter has a...
He wears ... with ...
He also has ...
Maths Activity for Tuesday 19th May
Today you are going to use the sentences from the previous lesson. You are going to compare the maths presented in different ways and have a go at completing a representation from a description.
Mind Up
This week is Mental Health Awareness Week and this year’s theme is KINDNESS.
In our MindUP sessions at school we have thought about how acts of kindness create positive feelings for both the giver and the receiver of those acts. A chemical called dopamine is released in the brain when you do an act of kindness and this makes you feel good.
Below is an example MindUP lesson to remind you:
Place2be have launched a virtual kindness Cup to celebrate the incredible acts of kindness taking place across school communities. Look below to design your own cup or follow the link to edit a certificate to award someone whose kindness has made you feel good.
Send in your ideas to be shared on the school instagram page this week!
Wednesday 20th May
Good morning everyone! Have a look at our learning today:
English Activity for Wednesday 20th May
Maths Activity for Wednesday 20th May
During today's lesson, you are going use a repeated addition expression to represent the repeated groups. You will describe the group and the number of groups and write the expression to match. For example: ‘Three groups of five’, they can write 5 + 5 + 5.
National Scavenger Hunt Day
Later this week it will be National Scavenger Hunt Day!
National Scavenger Hunt Day is a day to enjoy the fun of a scavenger hunt. it's time to look down and look closely at the fascinating world around us. Hunt for habitats and living things in your spaces.
You can enjoy Wonder Wednesday with Mr Chips
You could go on a spider safari like this one:
You could also read a book about why it might be difficult to find spiders on your safari:
Thursday 21st May
Good morning everyone - please try the daily tasks and the activities for today.
English activity for Thursday 21st May
First re read or listen to the Peter Rabbit story. Pay close attention to the things in Mr McGregor's garden. Then look at the task below.
Maths Activity for Thursday 21st May
Today you are going to practise explaining what each number represents in a repeated addition expression. Please, continuously use a sentence that describes the number of groups and the size of the group. This may be more challenging as you do not write this number in the expression, for example: There are 3 groups of 4. We can write this as 4 + 4 + 4.
History Activity for Thursday 21st May
Last week we did some work about monarchs. Today we are going to continue our work about kings and queens by looking at historical sources.
Today we are looking at some historical sources to find out about Queen Victoria. http://www.queen-victorias-scr...
Use this website to look at some paintings of Victoria, her diary and her school timetable. Write some sentences about what you now know or think about what Queen Victoria liked to do when she was younger.
Use these sentence starters:
I think Queen Victoria liked ____ because I can see ____.
Now I know that Queen Victoria liked ___ because I ______ .
Friday 22nd May
Happy Friday everyone! Next week is half term. Please enjoy today's learning and have a happy restful half term. I you would like to complete any projects over half term then have a look back at the website on Monday next week where there will be some links to some half term project work.
English Activity for Friday 22nd May
Maths Activity
Today you are going to start with a review of the previous lesson and next have a think if an addition expression matches a given representation. You may notice that some examples are expressions that are not repeated addition. At the end of the lesson you are going to create true or false questions to try on someone at home.
Art Activity
Today we are thinking about shadow art.
Watch the video and see how to do some shadow art: https://www.thenational.academ..
Week Commencing 11th May 2020
Friday 15th May
Hello everyone! Happy Friday!
English Activity for Friday 15th May
First you can enjoy another Anna Hibiscus story:
Anna Hibiscus lives in Africa. Amazing Africa. Today we are going to learn some more about Africa. Have a look at the BBC Website and complete the activities with the lesson:
Maths Activity for Friday 15th May
Reading Task for Friday 15th May
The fruits and vegetables we eat come from different parts of plants. Find out more by reading Plants for Dinner:
Now choose an activity:
Activity One: Answer the questions
1. Name two different types of leaves (page 11)
2. What do flowers grow from? (page 12)
3. What do all fruits have inside them? (page 15)
4. What is a shoot? (page 18)
5. How does the glossary at the end of the book help you when you are reading? (page 22)
Now think about the questions on page 23.
Activity Two: Think about what parts of a plant you will eat in your meals today. Can you draw a picture of your dinner plate and label the different plants.
Art Task for Friday 15th May
Today we are going to make self portraits using natural or recycled materials. Watch the video to find out how!
Thursday 14th May
Hello Everyone! It was lovely to talk to so many of you yesterday. Here are the activities for today remember to try the daily tasks too!
English Activity
First watch the video of the story again.
Then choose an activity:
Activity One: Ask the people in your family what they do when they feel happy. Make a list of all the things your relatives do when they are happy.
Try to think of five different things you can borrow one from the happiness song if you’re not sure.
Activity Two: We can write our own poem like the happiness song! Organise your ideas into a poem about what your family does when they are happy. Remember to finish your poem with: And me -
I have written one about the teachers as an example:
Mrs Dowthwaite jumps
Up to the sky.
Miss Richardson smiles
And winks.
Mrs Dunkley runs to tell
Everyone the good news.
Mrs Kelly dances
Around her classroom
Miss Geerer sings
- A bit too loudly!
And me - I feel I feel
I feel the happiness race around me.
Maths Activity
Science and Reading Task
Today we are learning about plants. The videos can be found on this link.
You can choose an activity (or do all of them):
- Watch the first video about the parts of a plant. Label the flower below or draw and label your own drawing.
Try to label: stem leaf roots flower (petals)
2. Watch the second video. Then write some sentences about the functions of different parts of the plant.
Wednesday 13th May
Hello, it was lovely to speak to some of you yesterday. If you didn't get a call yesterday then you might get one today. Remember it might come from a withheld number. Remember to keep trying your best with your home learning and to try the daily tasks and the activities too.
English Activity for Wednesday 13th May
First, Listen to the story Anna Hibiscus’ Song :
When Anna Hibiscus is happy she sings a song. This is the song she sings:
“Grandfather counts
Fingers and toes.
Grandmother holds
Grandfather’s hand.
Auntie work, cousins play,
Uncle dances - all day long.
Papa whispers into Mama’s ear.
Mama sits so quiet and still.
And me - I sing, I sing
I sing my happiness song!”
Now choose an activity:
Activity 1: Think about five things that make you happy. Draw around your hand. In each finger write down something that makes you feel happy.
Activity 2: Last week we drew a story S for the Caterpillars shoes.
Can you draw a story S to show what all the people in Anna Hibiscus’ family do when they are happy?
Maths Activity for Wednesday 13th May
Today we are thinking about making groups.
Can you make equal and unequal groups?
Science Activity for Wednesday 13th May
Today we are thinking about the question: Which materials are reflective?
You can follow the lesson on the video - click here
You can also follow some of the lessons here:
We have been learning about light sources. Look below for a reminder:
Some surfaces are dull and dark and some surfaces are reflective.
When a material is reflective all of the light from the light source bounces off the material.
Look at some examples of reflective and non reflective materials below:
Activity: Which reflective and non reflective objects can you find at home? What material are they made of?
Write your conclusion:
I found a ... it is made from ... it is reflective / not reflective that means that it bounces off the light/absorbs the light.
Monday 11th May
This week we are going to enjoy a story called, 'Anna Hibiscus'.
Look at the cover in the picture below.
Have a think or talk to someone in your family:
Who is Anna Hibiscus?
What do you think you know about her?
Where does she live? What tells you that?
What is she doing? How does this make her feel? Have you ever felt like this?
Try the activity:
Which reflective items can you find at home? Make a list or collect them all together and take a photograph of them. Can you find any objects that are not reflective?
Write your conclusion by using the word mat
Week Commencing 4th May 2020
Thursday 7th May
Hello everyone, I hope you are well. We have an English and maths activity for you. Tomorrow is a bank holiday for VE Day and we will learn a bit about that today too.
Science/English Activity for Thursday 7th May
Watch the following video explaining how caterpillars turn into butterflies. Can you draw a diagram to show the different stages of the life cycle? You may choose to use the template below. If you have plasticine at home you could even make a 3D life cycle.
Maths Activity for Thursday 7th May
VE Day Activity
VE Day stands for Victory in Europe Day. This weekend we are celebrating 75 years since the first VE Day.
81 years ago there was very big war that included lots of countries. It lasted for about six years and life was very hard for everyone.
On 8th May 1945 (75 years ago) it was the first VE Day. It was an excitinG day because it was announced that World War Two was over. People ran out onto the streets to celebrate and church bells were rung to spread the news.
The next day was a big celebration - people had street parties and churches held services of thanksgiving.
Choose a task (or do them all):
Task One: During the war people wrote letters to each other – they often spoke about the fun they would have when the war was over. Write a letter to a friend or relative about what you are looking forward to doing when the current restrictions lift. Maybe you could send your letter and spread some joy.
Task Two: Make your own VE Day bunting and/or flags, just like the ones in the photographs below – what messages would you put on it for this year?
Task Three: Organise a house tea party for VE Day with just the people you live with. What games and activities should you play? (Jam sandwiches were popular during the war – perhaps you can make some of those?)
Task Four: Listen to the stories of people from the Second World War and remember VE Day:
Wednesday 6th May
Hello Everyone! Today we have an English, maths and reading activity for you. Remember to complete the daily tasks too!
Wednesday 6th May
Thinking about the video that you watched on Monday, "The Caterpillar Shoes', write a letter to the caterpillar to explain why he didn’t want to eat or walk anymore.
Look at the document for some ideas for starting the different sentences in your letter.
Maths Activity for Wednesday 6th May
Today we are going to create a total amount by combining different coins. Follow along with the video.
Reading and Craft Activity for Wednesday 6th May
First read the book, Bug Buzz!, it is all about insects :
Then choose an activity or complete all the activities:
Activity One - Use the book to answer the questions:
1) True or False: All insects have four legs (page 5)
2) How big were dragonflies millions of years ago? (page 7)
3) Which baby insect looks the same as the adult insect? (page 10)
4) What does the caterpillar become when it is changing into a butterfly? (page 11)
5) What can a young stick insect do if it loses a leg? (page 19)
Activity Two - Make an insect. You can follow these instructions to make your own insect using a toilet paper roll. The example is a ladybird but you could make any insect you'd like!
Activity Three: Hide your insect in different places around your house or garden and direct someone else towards it using positional and directional language.
- Forwards
- Backwards
- Left
- Right
Tuesday 5th May
Hello Everyone, I hope you are well. Today we have English, Maths and Science activities for you to complete. Remember to try the daily tasks too!
English Activity for Tuesday 5th May
Thinking about the video you watched yesterday. Choose an activity (or do both):
Activity 1: Use your story S to retell the story. Could you make up some actions to help you remember the whole story?
Activity 2: Design your own pair of shoes for your favourite minibeast. Now try to use persuasive language to create an advert to sell them to your favourite minibeast. You could use the example template below to record your advertisement or design your own!
Maths Activity for Tuesday 5th May
We are thinking about using money at a shop today!
Science Activity for Tuesday 5th May
Today we are thinking about night and day. Choose activity one or activity two.
Choose an activity:
Activity one: Follow along with the video: https://www.thenational.academ...
Activity Two: This is the same as activity one but without the demonstration on the video.
First: Read the information below.
Daytime is when you can see the sun from where you are, and its light and heat can reach you. Nighttime is when the sun is on the other side of the Earth from you, and its light and heat don’t get to you.
We get day and night because the Earth spins (or rotates) on an imaginary line called its axis and different parts of the planet are facing towards the Sun or away from it.
It takes 24 hours for the world to turn all the way around, and we call this a day. Over a year, the length of the daytime in the part of the Earth where you live changes. Days are longer in the summer and shorter in the winter.
Then: Draw diagrams to show day and night using the Day and Night Sheet below. Use the answer sheet to check that your diagrams are correct.
Monday 4th May
I hope you've all had a good weekend. These are your activities for today. Remember to check the daily tasks too - May the fourth be with you!
English Activity for Monday 4th May
Watch the Caterpillar Shoes video
Create a Story S to show all the different characters that the caterpillar meets on his journey.
Can you use some expanded noun phrases to describe each character on your story S?
Look at the document below to see the story S that I started - can you finish it?
Maths Activity for Monday 4th May
We are continuing our learning about money. Today we are going to compare the value of sets of coins.
Mind Up for Monday 4th May
This week you are going to design our very own MIND UP corner. This is to remind us of how our brain works and the importance of being mindful.
To start with, you are going to look into creating your own representations of the main parts of our brain: PFC (Prefrontal Cortex), Hippocampus and Amygadala. Below are the reminders of how these parts are represented in our classroom: PFC -the wise owl, Amygdala - the guard dog and Hippocampus - the elephant.
For this activity however, you may use your imagination and create you very own pictures, DIY puppets or figures made out of any material you find at home. Please, look at the examples below.
Once you complete your figures or pictures, please ask your parent/carer to take a photograph and send it to us, teachers. We know how imagintaive you all are and we cannot wait to see your wonderful work!
Week Commencing 27th April 2020
Friday 1st May
Hello Everyone! I can't believe that it is May already! I hope you are all happy and ready for your home learning.
English Activity for Friday 1st May
Continue with our work about the Elves and the Shoemaker. Today is review day so we are going to be thinking about the story and our learning this week. Please complete pages 19-20.
Maths Activity for Friday 1st May
Today we are going to practise finding the value of a set of 5p coins and 10p coins. If you finish you can challenge yourself with the sheet below.
Watch the assembly:
It is all about hope. https://www.thenational.academ...
Art Activity for Friday 1st May
Today we will be learning about an artist called Max Ernst. He created a technique in art called frottage. This is when you use your pencil to make rubbings of textured objects which you find around your home. You will need a pencil and paper.
Watch the video to find out how to do it: https://www.thenational.academ...
Thursday 30th April
Hello Everyone! I hope you are all well - I'm missing you all very much. Remember to try the daily tasks and activities.
Thursday 30th April English Activity
We are going to continue our Elves and the Shoemaker work today. You can choose an activity below (or do both activities):
Activity 1: The waterproof experiment and instructions (pages 15 and 16)
Activity 2: The riddles (pages 17 and 18)
Thursday 30th April - Maths Activity
We are continuing our learning about money.
Geography Activity for Thursday 30th April
You can take a look at the video about the countries in the United Kingdom.
Can you use the video to draw and label a map of the United Kingdom. There is a map below that could be printed out if you are able to.
Wednesday 29th April
Hello Everyone, I hope you are all happy and well. Please check our instagram - you will see some year twos on there!
English Activity for Wednesday 29th April
Today please choose a task or do both:
Task One: Write a postcard to the elves in the story (pages 12 and 13)
Task Two: Write a story (page 14)
Maths Activity for Wednesday 29th April
Today we are thinking about the value of 2p, 5p and 10p coins.
Science Activity for Wednesday 29th April
We are continuing to think about light and dark. Today we are going to learn about how we see and draw a diagram to show how we can see.
Follow the link to the lesson: https://www.thenational.academ...
Try and draw your own light diagram to show how we can see.
The images below explain how we can see and give an example of the diagram - they are the same that are shown on the video.
Challenge: Can you draw and label a picture of the eye?
Tuesday 28th April
Hi Everyone,
Today we have English, Maths activities. Remember to complete the daily tasks too. Well done to the children who have completed the diagnostic questions maths that I set on Friday - you all did really well!
English Activity for Tuesday 28th April
Please read the story 'The Elves and the Shoemaker' again.
Then choose a task or do both:
Task One: Word games on pages 9 and 10
Task Two: Designing new clothes for the elves on page 11
Reading and History Activity for Tuesday 28th April
Read or listen along to ‘Pick Your Queen!’ to learn all about two significant British monarchs. Use the book to complete the table with facts about their lives.
Print or write out the table to fill in information about the monarchs.
Maths Activity for Tuesday 28th April
Please complete this lesson.
Then you can try saying how many one pennies are in each amount using the image below.
Monday 27th April
Hi Everyone, I hope you are all well. We are missing you very much. Here is your learning for today. Remember to complete these activities and the tasks for everyday.
English for Monday 27th April
This week we are reading the Elves and the Shoemaker. Today I would like you to read the story and choose one of the tasks or complete both tasks:
The Elves and the Shoemaker story
- Task One: Share the story
- Task Two: Pepper’s Questions
Maths for Monday 27th April
This week we are learning about money. We have been learning about money at school so these video should be a reminder of what we have already learnt.
Mind Up
For our Mind Up activity this week, we are going to start filling up our Gratitude Jar with your thoughts about being grateful. Think of who or what you have been grateful for, especially in these difficult times. On a colourful piece of paper or a post it note, please write a sentence or two starting with 'I am grateful for...' or 'I am thankful for...'.
Next, put the note into your jar along with other notes you may have written already. As this is our class project, we are going to come back to this once in a while. You can write as many notes as you wish.
Remember though, it is not always the material things that make us feel grateful. Think of the delicious meals your parents are preparing for you every day, time spent together, parents/carers helping you with your learning, sun shining outside, etc More than anything remember to always show you are grateful to everyone around you!
Week Commencing 20th April 2020
English Activity for Monday 20th April
Look at the document below. It is called the magical teaching box. There are some instructions about learning to complete alongside the story. You could print the booklet off or you could read the story online and do the activities in an exercise book or any piece of paper.
You are not expected to do the whole booklet today!
We will be doing different activities over the week.
Today read the story and then choose from the activities to complete up to page 9. You can choose to do one of them or you could do all three of them:
- Read Pandora’s Box
- ★ Do some activities during the story as your read
- ★ Sketch and label Zeus
- ★ Answer questions about the story
Maths Activity for Monday 20th April
This term we are going to practise maths lessons that have been designed by Mastery Specialist teachers.
This week we will explore the concept of counting in units of two, five or ten and investigate how objects can be counted efficiently by counting in units other than one.
Each day has a youtube video to watch, delivered by a teacher. These videos are interactive (asking children to count, giving them tasks to pause the video and explore). Each lesson is between 15-25 minutes.
As a parent/carer, please watch the video with your child everyday. When asked to explore the concept encourage your child to investigate and explain it to you. If you find it helpful, please do use any relevant resources/items you find at home. Remember that learning can be recorded in an exercise book or any piece of paper.
Mind Up
To start this term on a positive note, please try this activity - it is called, 'Acts of Kindness.'
Look at the document
You choose if you want to draw 3 pictures to tell the story of your act of kindness or you can draw one picture to show your act of kindness. Most importantly, show the act of kindness in your picture. If you'd like you can also add a short description of your act of kindness.
Tuesday 21st April
Hi Everyone,
It was lovely to talk to some of you on the telephone yesterday - I really enjoyed finding out about what you have been doing to stay busy at home. I'm also pleased to hear that you are all being so helpful. Don't worry if you didn't get a call from me yesterday - you will receive a call from Mrs Dunkley on Thursday. I know that she can't wait to speak to you!
If you have completed all the home learning that we have set for you (the daily tasks and the activities) and would like something extra then please visit the BBC website - they have lots of extra activities that you can do:
English Activity for Tuesday 21st April
We are going to continue with our booklets today. Please try the learning on pages 10, 11 or 12.
You can choose one of the activities to do or complete all three activities:
- ★ Put the words into alphabetical order
- ★ Match the word to its meaning
- ★ Take each word and write it into a new sentence
Maths Activity for Tuesday 21st April
We are going to continue learning about counting in 10s. Watch the video and remember to pause to complete the activities.
Reading and DT task
A bin goblin is a puppet made from recycled rubbish.
Read or listen along to this information book.
Tasks (choose one or do them all)
- Reading Task - Use the document below and answer the questions about the book.
- DT task - Find four things at home to make your own bin goblin or click the ‘eye’ button on page 20 for other ideas of things to make with recycled materials. 3. Writing task Write instructions for how to make your own bin goblin. Use the word mat and book to help you.
- Writing task - Write instructions for how to make your own bin goblin. Use the word mat below and the book to help you
Wednesday 22nd April
Hello everyone! I hope you are all well and ready to do some learning. We have a few videos to watch today that you can pause to complete the activity. We will also be carrying on with our work about 'The Magical Box'.
Remember to try and complete the daily tasks too.
Yesterday some children sent their excellent work to the school email - Mrs Dunkley and I were very impressed with your gratitude jars and all the learning that you have been doing! Keep it up Year Two!
Let's get going!
English Activity for 22nd April
We are going to continue our work about 'The Magical Box'.
Today we are going to try pages 13, 14 and 15.
You can choose one of the activities to do or complete all three activities:
- ★ Learn how to use apostrophes in your writing
- ★ Do some writing about the poem
Maths Activity for 22nd April
Today we are thinking about multiples of ten. Watch the video and complete the activities as you go!
Science Activity for 22nd April
We are going to think about light and seeing in science. We already know a little bit about our sense of sight. Do you remember how braille can help someone who can't see?
Today, we are going to think about the question: 'What is light?'
A light source is something that gives light. The sun, a torch and a light bulb are all light sources. Some light sources, like a torch or television, can be switched on and off. Fireflies and glow worms are animals that are light sources. They make their own light.
You have a choice of activities (or you can complete all of them):
1. Watch the video with the teacher and follow along: https://www.thenational.academ...
2. Look at the pictures in the sheet below. Which are light sources and which are not light sources? Make a list of the light sources. How many light sources can you think of? How many can you find at home? Draw and label pictures of them.
3. What can you find out about animals that are light sources?
Thursday 24th April
Hello Everyone! I hope you are well. Today, as well as the daily activities, we are going to do some English, Maths and Geography.
English and D.T. Activity
Today we are going to focus on pages 16, 17 and 18. You can choose an activity (or do them both):
- ★ Make your own Magic Box
- ★ Write a Magic Box poem
We would love to read your poems and see some photos of your magic boxes - please send them to the school email:
Maths Activity
Today we are thinking about the number 5 - counting in 5s and counting on from a multiple of 5.
Reading Activity
1. Read the information book ‘What Can A Baby Do?’
Choose an activity:
1. Answer questions about the book:
page 5: What does a baby eat?
page 6-7: What things should you keep away from a baby?
page 10: What does baby do when his big sister tickles his tummy?
page 12: What does baby sometimes do when the rest of the family are asleep?
2. Use the pictures below to write some sentences about what the baby can and can't do.
Challenge: Extend your sentences using because or but.
Friday 24th April
Hello everyone! I hope you are well - Mrs Dunkley was so happy to talk to some of you yesterday. We are pleased that you are trying so hard with your home learning - well done!
English Activity
Today we are going to continue with the booklet - The Magical Box.
Complete pages 20 to the end of the booklet - reflecting on what you have learnt this week.
Maths Activity
I have set a quiz for your maths learning this week.
Log onto diagnostic questions to complete the quiz.
If you haven't logged in yet then this is how you can do the quiz:
Dear parents,
This is some extra home learning because I would like to create a more interactive way to see how the children are getting on. One way that I can do this is by you signing your child up to the website, 'diagnostic quiz'. Through this website, I'll be able to set quizzes and see the children's scores. This is how you can register and join in:
Then click "I'm a student"
Next fill out all your details and then press next
After that you will need to paste in the class code which is: SC-P81AFCJ1ZLHG
Click, 'join class'
You should see the quiz that I have set.
Art Activity
You can watch the video or follow the instructions below:
For our art are going to be using items from nature, these can be from a local park or your garden like the artist, Andy Goldsworthy. You could collect petals, leaves, sticks and other items to make a colourful picture. If you have already been on your one walk, run or cycle, don’t worry you can do this activity tomorrow. Or you can get extra creative and use colourful items from your home, like toys, fruit or clothes.
Andy Goldsworthy is an artist and a sculptor. You can see some of his artwork below to inspire you.
The instructions for the task:
1. Gather objects from nature or in your home. Make sure you didn't pick flowers or leaves from the tree. Use some that can be collected on the ground.
2. Organise them into groups. Think about which colours to put together and the position of the objects: side by side or overlapping the objects
3. Create a picture
4. You can share your picture with us by emailing us a photograph or with the whole world by using the hashtag on the video.
Challenge: Can you order the items from lightest to darkest like Andy Goldsworthy has in some of his artwork?
Week Commencing 30th March 2020
Hello Everyone! Below is your home learning for this week. Before you get started, just a couple of reminders:
1. You do not have to do your home learning in a set order. You can pick and choose which order you would like to work through the tasks.
2. If you do not complete all tasks, please do not panic.
3. Every day, there will be some new activities that are set for you. There are also some tasks that you should repeat every day (spellings, reading, maths facts). Furthermore there will be some activities you can choose from.
4. Have fun with your learning!
Tasks for everyday this week
Indoor PE
Keep active. The Body coach
Alternatively, you could use GoNoodle
Read your own book for 15 minutes every day
Timestable Rockstars
Play Timestable Rockstars for 10 minutes.
Practise your numberbonds to 12. These are additions and subtractions to 12 e.g. 5 + 7 = 12 or 18 - 6 = 12. Please spend 10 minutes a day practising and ask your parents to test you.
Please practise the spellings from the sheet below.
Can spell them all? Pick five new words from your reading book and practise them. Can you write five sentences with them in?
Look at the document below to see how to make spelling fun!
Pick a few letters to practise and try and form them correctly, keeping the letters on the line.
Look on the page for how we form them correctly.
Monday 30th March
Below are some activities that you can complete today.
History Activity for Monday 30th March
Watch this episode of Magic Grandad. It is all about how people did chores at home in the past. (
Choose a task (or do all of them):
Task 1
Draw a picture to show how people did their chores in the past and write some sentences about how people did their chores in the past compared to the present.
In the past people made porridge on a _____. Now we make porridge _____.
In the past people kept milk cold in a _______. Now we keep milk cold in a ____.
In the past people washed their clothes ______. Now we wash our clothes ___.
Task 2
Ask your parents if you can help with some of the chores around the house. Are they the same or different to the ones in Magic Grandad?
Task 3
Use this link to read a book about how sports were different in the past -
Maths for Monday 30th March
This week we are going to be thinking about 3D shapes. Have a look around your home. Which 3D shapes can you find? Use the sheet below to help you.
Mind Up
Choose a task below (or complete both):
Task One
Relax and reflect using the Cosmic Yoga website.
Task Two
Make a gratitude jar.
'A gratitude jar' is our little project which we started before school closed. The idea is to record all we are thankful for. On post it notes or any other pieces of paper (try to use bright and colourful paper!) record anything that you are grateful for. This could even be done daily. You can reflect on acts of kindness, such as: a meal prepared by a parent, parents/carers reading with you every day, siblings helping you with tricky learning, etc as well as simply sun shining or birds singing outside your windows.
Look at the document below to see some examples of gratitude jars.
While making your jar you might want to listen to some calm, relaxing music or you might just want to listen to the music to relax. Follow the links below:
Tuesday 31st March
Good morning everyone! Here is some home learning for today. Remember to complete the daily tasks and the activities below and most of all - have fun!
Daffodil Drawing Competition - to be uploaded before 12pm
Enter the No More Marking National Daffodil Drawing Competition!
Draw a daffodil on paper & upload a photo of it by pasting this link into a phone browser:
Enter your details and upload your picture.
Submission deadline is 12pm Tuesday.
The competition is for children, parents and teachers too!
English activity for Tuesday 31st March
Read along with the story Lulu Loves Stories (
Choose a task (or do them all):
Task One: Retell the story. Write a sentence and draw a picture to show what Lulu pretended on each day. Use the word bank and reread the book to help you.
Task Two: Write some sentences and draw a picture about what you would like to be when you grow up.
When I grow up, I would like to be a ____ because ______
Task Three: This story is also read in other languages. Can you see a language you speak? Try listening to the story in a different language.
Maths Activity for Tuesday 31st March
Look at the document below. Can you name the 3D shapes?
Geography Activity
Can you name all the continents? Use this game to remind yourself How quickly can you do it?
You could also listen to the continents song:
Challenge: Can you learn the oceans too?
Wednesday 1st April
Don't be a fool and do your home learning today!
Happy April Fools Day!
English Activity for Wednesday 1st April
First, read along with the story - Owl Babies
Now choose a task (or do all of them):
Task 1. Write some sentences to show what the owlets were thinking while their mummy was away. Then write some sentences to show what the owlets were thinking when their mummy came back. You could print the speech bubbles below or draw your own owls!
Task 2. Draw a picture, junk model or use play dough to make your own owlet or a nest of owlets.
Task 3. Ask an adult to help you to use the internet to learn a bit more about barn owls and other nocturnal animals (animals that come out at night). This video is a great start:
Try to find answers to these questions. What do barn owls look like? Where do they live? What do they eat? What do their offspring look like?
Challenge: Below is a chapter book about another baby owl. Listen and think about what is the same and what is different between the stories.
Maths Activity for Wednesday 1st April
First recap on the properties of 3D shapes like the sheet we looked at yesterday. You could fill out a table like on the sheet below.
Then have a try at the quiz that I have set on the diagnostic questions website.
If you haven't logged in yet then this is how you can do the quiz:
Dear parents,
This is some extra home learning because I would like to create a more interactive way to see how the children are getting on. One way that I can do this is by you signing your child up to the website, 'diagnostic quiz'. Through this website, I'll be able to set quizzes and see the children's scores. This is how you can register and join in:
Then click "I'm a student"
Next fill out all your details and then press next
After that you will need to paste in the class code which is: SC-P81AFCJ1ZLHG
Click, 'join class'
Hopefully, you will then see a 3D shape assignment that I have set!
Thursday 2nd April
Hello everyone, I hope that you are all well. Here are your activities today. Remember that these can be completed alongside the daily tasks.
Science Activity for Thursday 2nd April
We have been learning about forces at school.
First watch the video below.
Task One: Draw pictures of the objects you see Kit and Pup push and pull in the video. If Kit and Pup can push and pull something, draw it where the circles overlap.
Task 2: Explore how things move in your home. Do you push them, pull them or do both?
Add them to your diagram.
Then write some sentences.
When I push the ____, it moves away from me .
When I pull the ____, it moves towards me.
Challenge. Use this link to read about how forces affect skateboarders (it is a challenging read!)
Maths Activity for Thursday 2nd April
Earlier this week we were thinking about 3D shapes. Today we are going to think about 2D shapes. Can you identify the vertices (corners) and the sides of these 2D shapes. You could draw them out on a piece of paper to complete this activity.
When you have practised learning about 2D shapes, you can practise your fluency by playing this game:
Friday 3rd April
Geography Activity
We have been looking at different maps at school.
Have a go at making a map of your home. If you want some ideas, here’s a video to help:
Geography Challenge:
London is a city.
England is a country.
Europe is a continent.
Look at the pictures below. Which is a city, country and continent?
What other cities, countries and continents do you know? Maybe an adult at home can help you find some on a map.
Maths Activity for Friday 3rd April
Draw out the table in the document below and fill in the shape properties.
Week Commencing 23rd March 2020
Hello Year Two!
This is our special page where Mrs Dunkley and Ms Wilson will share some home learning with you.
Before you start your home learning, we have a few reminders for you:
1. You do not have to do your home learning in a set order. You can pick and choose which order you would like to work through the tasks.
2. If you do not complete all tasks, please do not panic.
3. Every day, there will be some new activities that are set for you. There are also some tasks that you should repeat every day (spellings, reading, maths facts). Furthermore there will be some activities you can choose from.
4. Have fun with your learning!
An example timetable for your day
Tasks for everyday this week
Indoor PE
Keep active. The Body coach is doing a live indoor PE lesson everyday at 9.00am.
Alternatively, you could use GoNoodle.
Read your own book for 15 - 20 minutes.
Timestable Rockstars
Play Timestable Rockstars for 10 minutes.
Number Bonds to 15
Spend 10 minutes practising and testing yourself.
This week is about practising key spellings we use in our writing. Pick 5 spellings you don’t know from the list of high frequency words below and learn them today.
Can spell them all? Pick five new words from your reading book and practise them. Can you write five sentences with them in?
English Activity for Monday 23rd March
First, listen to the poem Chocolate Cake by Michael Rosen
Then, write a poem about your favourite food. You can use the sentence starters to help you if you'd like or maybe you can think of a way of starting on your own.
Now you can choose a task below. If you'd like to, you can do all of them!
1. Perform your poem to your sibling, parent or pet!
2. Draw/paint a picture or make a model using playdough of your favourite food.
3. Write a recipe (or really make it) for your favourite food.
4. Tweet a picture of your poem to Michael Rosen @MichaelRosenYes
Maths Activity for Monday 23rd March
We have been learning about time. Using a clock at home practise telling the time using the words 'quarter past', 'half past' and 'quarter to'.
Then try estimating how much time it takes to complete different activities at home.
Science Activity for Monday 23rd March
Last term we were learning about materials. Choose an activity from below:
1. How much do you remember from the knowledge organiser below? Can you test yourself?
2. What is in your house? Find 5 objects in your house. What material or materials are they made from? What are the properties of the materials? Could the objects be made of a different material?
3. Create a guess the material game based on the properties of different materials.
4. Do some research - Is it true or false? Some fleece jackets start off as plastic bottles.
Tuesday 24th March
Good Morning Everyone! Here are your English and maths activities for today. Remember our home learning rules. Try to complete these activities and the daily tasks - you don't have to print them out - you can complete them on any paper you have at home.
Most of all, remember to have fun!
English Activity for Tuesday 24th March
Open the document below to see your English task for today. It uses a poem called, 'A Small Dragon' by Brian Patten. You can also listen to it here:
Maths Activity for Tuesday 24th March
We are going to keep practising telling the time. Look at the sheets to practise telling the time. Can you say what time each clock shows?
We are also going to learn about calendars. Look at the calendar and answer the questions.
Art Activity for Tuesday 24th March
Try out your drawing skills with Rob Biddulph at this website:
If you enjoy these videos he is doing a live draw along every Tuesday and Thursday at 10am.
Wednesday 25th March
Hi everyone! As well as the everyday tasks, we have English and maths activities for you. I hope you enjoy doing them!
English Activity for Wednesday 25th March
Maths Activity for Wednesday 25th March
Can you write any maths stories? See if you can find any in your house! Click here to start writing maths stories!
Wellbeing Wednesday
Join in with Wellbeing Wednesday live at 10am. Click here
Thursday 26th March
Hello everyone, I hope you are all well and you've been enjoying your home learning so far this week. Please keep remembering to help your family around the home - make sure you are making your bed everyday and that you are keeping your bedroom neat and tidy!
English Activity for Thursday 26th March
We have enjoyed lots of Katie Morag stories in Year Two and for your English activity today we are going to return to the Isle of Struary. To start, follow the link to watch and enjoy the video below. The link is here
Now choose a task from the list below (or you could do all of them!)
Task One:
Would you like to go to Grannie Island’s Ceilidh?
Write some sentences to say why you want to go to Grannie Island’s Ceilidh.
I would like to go to Grannie Island’s Ceildh because ________
Most of all, I would enjoy the ___________
Task Two:
What would you perform at Grannie Island’s Ceildh?
Write a sentence and draw a picture!
I would ________ at Grannie Island’s Ceildh
At Grannie Island’s Ceilidh, I would ________
Task Three:
Have your own Ceildh!
You could sing songs, dance or perform a poem.
Here is some music people often dance to at ceilidhs.
Maths Activity for Thursday 26th March
We are going to keep practising telling the time today.
Look at the sheet below. Can you draw the hands on the clocks - you might have to draw the clocks yourself too using a circular template (e.g a 2p coin) to make a round shape and then writing on the numbers.
You could also play some time games here
Minute madness.
How many star jumps can you do in a minute? How many times can you write your name in a minute? How many socks can you get into a washing basket in a minute? Just three possible challenges you could set using a countdown timer. Take a look at the ‘Minute to win it’ games online for even more challenges you have to try and do within a minute. These are a brilliant way to break up a day and think about how long a minute really is!
Diagnostic Questions Quiz - Information for parents
Dear parents,
This is some extra home learning because I would like to create a more interactive way to see how the children are getting on. One way that I can do this is by you signing your child up to the website, 'diagnostic quiz'. Through this website, I'll be able to set quizzes and see the children's scores. This is how you can register and join in:
This is the link:
Then click "I'm a student"
Next fill out all your details and then press next
After that you will need to paste in the class code which is: SC-P81AFCJ1ZLHG
Click, 'join class'
Hopefully, you will then see a telling the time assignment that I have set!
Friday 27th March
Hello Everyone! If you've been completing your home learning this week then well done! I know that it can be difficult starting a new routine. I have got some more activities for you today. Remember that these activities can be completed alongside the daily tasks which are spellings, handwriting etc.
Reading and Science Activity for Friday 27th March
Task 1 Use the link to read or listen to ‘Incredible Animals’.
It is a non-fiction (information book).
You will have to create a log-in using your email address and your own password but then the book can be read for free. There is also an option to listen as an audio book and interactive activities to complete as you read.
Once you have read or listened to the book, choose a task to complete (or complete all of them):
Challenge 1. Have a go at writing a fact file about one of the animals (or plants) you have learnt about. Use the sentence starters and the book to help you.
Challenge 2. Tell the facts you have learnt your sibling and parents.
Challenge 3. Draw/paint a picture or make a model using playdough of the animal. Click here to learn how to make homemade playdough
Challenge 4. Use your science knowledge to write about what groups the animals belong to. (e.g. A flamingo is a bird. I know because it has a beak, feathers and wings.)
Maths Activity for Friday 27th March
Keep practising telling the time to 5 minutes. Use the sheet below - you might need to draw the clocks out on a piece of paper yourself.
Diagnostic Questions Quiz
Thank you to the children who signed up to complete the diagnostic quiz - everybody got 100% so well done! I really enjoyed reading your written reasoning for your answers too. I have set you a new task to complete if you log in again. The task I have set today is much more challenging and I wouldn't expect you to get 100% of the questions correct. Remember to try your best and have fun!
If you need a reminder on how to log on, you can see here:
This is the link:
Then click "I'm a student"
Next fill out all your details and then press next
After that you will need to paste in the class code which is: SC-P81AFCJ1ZLHG
Click, 'join class'
Hopefully, you will then see a telling the time assignment that I have set!