Year 1
Google Classroom
From Monday 8th June all of your online learning will be found on Google Classroom. Please refer to the information sheet below to access your account.
Daily Activities
Prayers and Singing Assembly
Morning Prayer
Dear Lord,
Thank you for this brand new day.
Help us to embrace opportunities for new learning.
Show us how to listen and love.
Support us and our friends.
Guide us to excellence in all that we do today.
School Prayer
Lord of the loving heart,
May ours be loving too.
Lord of the gentle hands,
May ours be gentle too.
Lord of the willing feet,
May ours be willing too.
So may we grow more like you,
in all we say and do.
Signing Assembly
Daily Brain Break and MindUp
Brain Breaks
Every class takes part in three brain breaks throughout the school day. Brain breaks are under five minutes each and give children calm time to focus their minds on one thought at a time. Please follow the link below and give your a child the opportunity to continue these at home. MindUp has put together a bank of resources and activities you may like to explore together at home.
Daily Reading and Phonics
The most important routine to keep up at home is daily reading and listening to stories.
Below is a list of links to allow you to access hundreds of books to read or listen to at home.
Free books to download and read:
Stories to listen to:
A Book a Day by Oliver Jeffers
Phonic sounds to practise:
Words to learn to spell and sight read:
Daily P.E. Ideas
Daily Maths Skills
1. Counting on or back from any given number.
Example questions:
- what is one more or one less than ___?
- count backwards from 24 and stop at 8
- count on 10 more than 18
- what is 4 more than 28?
Sing along to the song below to get you in the maths mood!
2. Number Bonds to 10
Example questions:
- 6 and ____ make 10
- if 10 is the whole and I know 7 is one part, what is the missing part?f
- 10 - 5 =
- 10 = 2 + ___
Listen to the song below to get warmed up!
3. Skip counting in 2s, 5s and 10s.
This can be done as chants when doing tasks as a way of timing an activity.
Challenge: Try skip counting backwards.
4. Day of the Week and Months of the year
Example questions:
- Today is ____ what day will it be tomorrow?
- Today is ____ what day was it yesterday?
- Today is _____ what day will it be in ____ days time?
- Which month comes after _____?
- Which months comes before ____?
Week Commencing 8th June 2020
Dear Year 1,
I am looking forward to seeing some of you this week.
For those of you learning from home please log in to google classrooms.
Follow the link below to help you with this:
Google Classrooms Log in Guide
There are four mini quizzes to complete each day which will give me an idea of how you are getting on.
Soon we will activate a questions page where you will be able to ask questions or comment on your learning from home.
Sending you and your families lots of love and smiles,
Mrs Kelly
Week Commencing 1st June 2020
Dear Year 1,
I hope you had a good rest over half term and that you managed to get into the sunshine.
Monday 1st June is a staff training day so there won't be any work uploaded to the website.
If you would like to do some activities today then you can choose some of the activities below:
There are lots of different activities to choose from, but remember to choose the clubs for primary.
Or you could have a go at this challenge below:
Premier League Primary Stars - Create a Character Challenge
Have fun and check back in tomorrow for tasks for the rest of the week.
Looking forward to hopefully seeing lots of you soon,
Mrs Kelly
Tuesday 2nd June
As we start the process of coming back to school the online learning format is changing.
The video links below will be the programme of work you will be following at home.
Daily activities and reading are still strongly encouraged.
We hope you enjoy it.
Looking forward to seeing how you get on and hopefully to seeing lots of you next week.
Mrs Kelly
Today you will be revising the OW sound.
Today your maths lesson is called: Introduction to the multiplication symbol.
I am sure you are all going to be masters of multiplication by the end of this unit.
Today you will be learning to identity rhyming words in your English lesson.
Think back to our learning on The Snail and the Whale - you should enjoy this!
Hola! Today you are going to be learning the names of colours in Spanish.
Wednesday 3rd June
Today's sound is 'ou' as in 'shout it out!'
Today your maths lesson is called: Matching repeated addition expressions to multiplication expressions.
Today you will be learning about onomatopoeia. This is when the word sounds like the sound it makes like buzz, zip or bang.
Have you ever wondered how you can work out which direction the wind comes from?
Today, you are going to do a experiment to find out how.
Thursday 4th June
Yesterday, you were sent a message from school with the link to the new google classrooms. Please make sure you have a go at logging into the Year 1 Google Classroom ideally before the end of today. Please watch the video guide below.
Video Guide for Google Classroom
Today's sound is 'ou'.
Today, your maths lesson is called: Matching multiplication expressions to images and contexts.
Today, you will be planning out a your poem to which you will be writing tomorrow.
Get your space helmets on, because today you are going to be learning about Valentina Tereshkova and her amazing life.
Friday 5th June 2020
Reminder to make sure you have a go at logging into the Year 1 Google Classroom before the weekend.
Please watch the video guide below.
Video Guide for Google Classroom
Today's sound is 'ea'.
Today your maths lesson is called: Further reasoning about multiplication expressions.
Today is the day you will be writing your poem. I can't wait to read some of these.
Your lesson today is all about building a terrarium - which is like a fish tank but for plants. Enjoy!
Week Commencing 18th May 2020
Dear Year 1,
It was great to speak to many of you and your family members last week.
I have been so impressed with all of your hard work, helpfulness and positivity during this time at home.
This week I have created five different writing tasks based on different areas of the curriculum.
You will still have your maths and phonics video lessons to watch and I strongly encourage you to be reading and practising your handwriting and spelling when possible.
Little and often is the key to the 'Daily Activities'.
I hope you enjoy the tasks and I look forward to seeing the photos of your learning via email.
With lots of smiles,
Mrs Kelly
Mental Health Awareness Week
This week (18-24 May 2020) is Mental Health Awareness Week and this year’s theme is kindness.
In our MindUP sessions at school we have thought about how acts of kindness create positive feelings for both the giver and the receiver of those acts.
A chemical called dopamine is released in the brain when you do an act of kindness and this makes you feel good.
Below is an example MindUP lesson to remind you:
Place2be have launched a virtual Kindness Cups to celebrate the incredible acts of kindness taking place across school communities.
Follow the Place2be link below and scroll down to download your Kindness Cup toolkit so you can design your own cup or edit a certificate to award to someone whose kindness has made you feel good.
Send in your designs and ideas for us to share and celebrate on the school Instagram page this week.
Daily Phonics
Remember new phonics lessons for Year 1 are released everyday at 10:30am.
Maths Activities
Multiplication Continued
Lesson 1 - Consider the nature of ‘equal groups’ in more detail
Lesson 2 - Practice using the sentence: ‘There are __ groups of ___.’
Lesson 3 - The use of a repeated addition expression to represent equal groups
Lesson 4 - See a repeated addition expression first and then make groups to match
Lesson 5 - Think more deeply – does the representation match the expression?
Writing Activities
Activity 1 - KIND
As this week is Mental Health Awareness Week and the theme is kindness, I thought I'd read you a lovely book with beautiful illustrations all about kindness.
Have a watch on the link below.
Can you think about some of the kind acts you have done towards your family, friends, strangers or key workers during this lockdown time?
Also have a think about the kindness that has been shown towards you.
This may be your sibling giving you their last chocolate easter egg or a friend sending you a message.
Now it is your turn to create a page that could go in the book 'KIND'.
Write about the kind act and then draw an illustration to go with the act.
Activity 2 - History
After many weeks of research into seaside holidays in the Victorian Era you should know all about the clothes people wore to the beach, the games and entertainment at the seaside and much more.
Can you write a diary entry as a Victorian child after their first day at the seaside?
Use the sentence starter ideas and word bank to give you some ideas of what you could write.
Sentence Starters
Dear diary,
Today was . . . . .
I went to . . . . .
When I woke up, I got dressed in my . . . . . .
I packed . . . . ., . . . ... ., and . . . . ..
We played with . . . . . .
The pier looked . . . . .
Word Bank
bucket and spade
Punch and Judy show
bathing machine
bathing suit
donkey rides
sand castle
Activity 3 - Science
All amphibians and some insects go through changes called metamorphosis. Have a look at the video below of me reading a page about the changes a butterfly goes through in their life. Can you make a page showing the life cycle of a frog? Can you make it a page with flaps to lift up like in the insect book? Use the butterfly page to give you inspiration and the word bank to help with the spellings.
Butterfly Life Cycle Video Link
Research facts about the life cycle of a frog.
Below is a funny song on the topic:
Word bank
Activity 4 - Religious Education
Can you write a prayer or a reflection for your family and friends.
Sentence starter ideas
Thank you for .. . . . .
Help us to be . . . . .
Give us the strength to . . . . .
Look after . . . . .
Activity 5 - Geography
Many people from around the world have had to cancel their trips to visit London.
Can you write a brief paragraph about what sort of sights they can look forward to seeing, where you would recommend they went to eat and fun things they could do when they are allowed to fly back into London to visit?
Remember to illustrate your work.
Use the sentence starter ideas and word bank to give you some ideas of what you could write.
Sentence Starters
When you come to London you should . . . . .
I recommend a trip to . . . . .
The best place to have lunch is . . . .
Don't miss . . . . .
You should go for a walk around . . . . .
My top tip is . . . .
Word bank
River Thames
Portobello Road
London Zoo
Hyde Park
Big Ben
Buckingham Palace
Arts and Craft Ideas linked to learning
Week Commencing 11th May 2020
Dear Year 1,
I am looking forward to speaking to you and your families this Wednesday 13th May. I will be ringing with no-caller ID, so please keep your eyes peeled!
I hope you enjoy the tasks set for you this week and please remember to keep up your daily activties, which include reading and maths skills.
Speak soon,
Mrs Kelly
P.S. Below is the link to a hello message from all the staff at SCSJ, if you haven't already seen it.
Writing Activities
Little Red Riding Hood
This week all the writing tasks are going to be based on the traditional tale Little Red Riding Hood.
There are hundreds of adaptions of the story. I have read one adaption for you to listen to if you follow the link below.
Activity 1 - Shopping List
Little Red Riding Hood takes a basket of food to her grandmother.
If you were Little Red Riding Hood what would you put in your basket?
Can you make a list using commas to separate items and adjectives to add details?
Example List:
Into the basket I would put one sweet orange, a jar of smooth chocolate spread, four crunchy cookies, a handful of juicy berries and a tin of her favourite tea.
Activity 2 - Character Description
We all have an idea of what Little Red Riding looks like and what sort of person she is. We are told in this version of the story that she is kind and loved by everyone.
Can you write your own character description for her and draw a picture to illustrate your writing?
Sentence Starter Ideas
Little Red Riding Hood is a . . . . girl.
She is never seen without . . . .
She is always . . . . .
If you met her, you would . . . . .
Her eyes are as . . . . .
Activity 3 - WANTED Poster
The wolf is up to no good!
Can you make an eye-catching poster with illustrations to warn visitors to the woods to watch out for this character?
Title Ideas
Sentence Starter Ideas
Keep your eyes peeled for a . . . . .wolf.
This wolf is . . . . . .
His eye are . . . . and his fur is . . . .
He is dangerous and he will . . . . .
If you see him, be sure to . . . . . .
If you find him, call . . . . .
Activity 4 - Thank you letter
The woodcutter saved both Grandma and Little Red Riding Hood at the end of the tale.
Can you pretend to be either Grandma or Little Red Riding Hood and write a thank you letter to the woodcutter?
Sentence Starter Ideas
Dear Woodcutter,
Thank you so much for . . . .
When the wolf swallowed me in one gulp, I . . . . .
When I heard your voice, I knew . . . . .
I felt so . . . . . when I heard you come into the cottage.
If it wasn't for you, I . . . .
Love from . . . .
Activity 5 - Diary Entry
Little Red Riding Hood had a very eventful day the day she met the wolf.
Can you write a diary entry pretending to be Little Red Riding Hood explaining what happened?
Sentence Starter Ideas
Dear diary,
Today was the . . . . . . day of my life.
In the morning, mum asked me to . . . . . .
Then, while I was walking in the woods, . . . . .
Later on, . . . . . .
When I arrived at the cottage, . . . . .
Luckily, . . . .
Maths Activities
Multiplication Video Lessons Continued
Lesson 1 - How many coins are needed to buy an item?
Lesson 2 - Further practice buying items with different value coins
Lesson 3 - Unequal and equal groups
Lesson 4 - Practise working with equal and unequal groups
Lesson 5 - Redistributing from unequal to equal groups
R.E. Activitiy
Draw a local religious building
Within walking distance of school there are many religious buildings.
Can you choose one to draw either from your memory, or while out on your daily exercise trip or from a photo you have found online?
Challenge yourself to add labels of key features for example: a spire, stained glass windows, rose windows or a porch.
You may need to ask an adult for help when labelling key features.
Science Activity
Sink or Float Experiment
When items are put into water and they fall to the bottom they are not buoyant and they sink.
However, when items are put into water and they rise or bob to the surface they are buoyant and they float.
Can you get a bucket or glass of water and test at least 15 items in your home to see if they are buoyant or not?
Can you try to use this new scientific word: Buoyant?
Challenge: Record your findings in a table and try to work out if you can spot any patterns. Which materials float and which sink? Do all metal/wood/plastic objects sink or do some float?
Some example items to test:
a cork
a stone
a bath toy
a piece of lego
cooking oil
a orange with the skin on
a orange without the skin on
a tooth pick
Below is a video to watch after you have done your experiment:
History Project - Victorian Seaside
Seaside Advert Posters
By now you should know what a seaside holiday in the Victorian Era would look like with the bathing machines, unusual swimming costumes, donkey rides, piers, Punch and Judy shows and much more.
Can you create a Victorian poster to advertise seaside holidays to tempt people to spend their saving on a train journey out of the cities to enjoy a day at the sea?
Do some research first to see example posters from the Victorian Era.
Week Commencing 4th May 2020
Dear Year 1,
Thank you so much to those of you that sent over photographs and videos of your learning last week.
It was great to see and I have been very impressed by all the wonderful learning that is going on at home.
Read below to find out what activities you will be doing this week.
I hope you enjoy them,
Mrs Kelly
Daily Phonics
Daily phonics is so important for both reading and spelling.
New phonics lessons will be released every weekday at 10:30am.
Be sure to check the channel each day for new Year 1 Phonics lessons.
Writing Activities
Recipe Writing
This week we are going to be writing recipes.
Of course before we can write a recipe we have to try it out, so get your chef hats on!
I have made a video to show you some of the key features of a recipe before you get writing your own.
Follow the link below:
Activity 1 - Cooking or Baking
First, you will need to make your food item.
Remember: Check with an adult what ingredients you have spare and what recipe you could make.
Make sure you have adult supervision when using an oven, cooker or knife.
Activity 2 - Tempting Recipe Blurb
Next, write a title and around three or four sentences to tempt in a reader to choose to make your recipe.
Top tip: Use adjectives to descrive how delicious your item is and how easy it is to make.
Example adjectives: delicious, gooey, crunchy, sweet, spicy etc.
Example Title and Blurb:
Mouth-watering Fruit Salad
If you like fruit then this is the recipe for you!
It is a very easy recipe to follow and the only cook's tool you need is a knife to cut the fruit.
Try this recipe for a delicious, fresh-tasting pudding, that all your family will enjoy!
Activity 3 - Ingredients and cook's tools lists
Then, make two lists. One for all the ingredients that you will need and another for all the tools you will need to make the recipe.
Reminder: When you make a list use commas to separate items.
Example sub-headings and lists:
Ingredients Needed
flour, eggs, milk, sugar and baking powder.
Cook's Tools Needed
bowl, spoon, drying rack, and backing tray.
Activity 4 and 5 - Writing Recipe Instructions
Finally, write a set of intructions for others to follow to make your food item.
Below are some time conjunctions for you to start each instruction with, some imperative verbs to use and some example sub-headings.
Time Conjunctions (rememeber commas after)
After that,
Add reminders or top tips after your instructions:
Top tip:
Imperative Verbs (bossy verbs)
Example sub-headings
What to do
Recipe steps
Maths Activities
I loved seeing some of your videos and photos showing your brilliant skip counting using coins.
I hope you enjoy the video lessons this week and I look forward to hearing how you get on.
Lesson 1 - Compare the value of sets of coins (different denominations)
Video Link
Lesson 2 - Use coins within the context of a shop
Video Link
Lesson 3 - Find the total amount by combining different coins
Video Link
Lesson 4 - Find how many coins are needed to make a given value
Video Link
Lesson 5 - Practise finding how many coins are needed to make a given value
Video Link
Maths Skills
I have moved the daily maths skills activities to the 'Daily Activities' section on the Year 1 webpage, so be sure to keep practising these.
R.E. Activity
Christian Gospel Music
Listen to this Christian Gospel Song.
Try to learn as much of it as you can, practise it and add some actions.
Finally, preform it to someone at home.
Science Activity
Which part of the plant?
Below are five different parts of a plant:
1. Seed
2. Roots
3. Stem
4. Leaf
5. Flower
6. Fruit
Fruit and Vegatables come from plants.
Over the course of this week everytime you eat a piece of fruit or vegtable can you:
First, predict what part of the plant it has come from and then do some research to check.
Some of the answers will shock you.
Some example fruit and vegtable to think about:
leeks, brocoli, carrots, spinach, pomegranate and orange.
Challenge: Can you make a poster to show what you discovered?
History Project - Victorian Seaside
Seaside Entertainment
By now you know how the Victorians dressed when they went to the coast for holidays and how they changed and got into the sea to swim.
This week it is time for you to research what the Victorians did for entertainment at the seaside. Below are some links to help get you started on your research:
Challenge: Can you make your own puppet show to perform to adults or siblings at home?
Week Commencing 27th April 2020
Dear Year 1,
I loved getting the chance to speak to lots of you last week and your parents.
I was so impressed to hear about all the learning you have been getting up to as well as all the cooking, tidying and other activities you have been doing.
I hope we will get a chance to speak soon. Please have a look at the activities for this week and remember to send me pictures, so I can see how you are getting on.
Happy learning,
Mrs Kelly
P.S. If you finish all these activities and would like some extra activities you can always check out BBC Bitesize Daily Lessons (link below). They do involve a lot of screen time though so pace yourself.
I was pleased to hear you have been enjoying the maths videos, so I am excited to share these new phonics videos from ‘Letters and Sounds for home and school’ YouTube channel.
New lessons will be released every weekday at 10:30am. Be sure to check the channel each day for new Year 1 Phonics lessons. This is a great way to practice spelling and reading skills.
Lessons and Sounds Phonics Lessons on Youtube
Maths Activities
I am so pleased to hear that you are enjoying these video lessons. The theme for the lessons this week is 'Money'.
You should be good at this as we have already spent some time on this topic.
Lesson 1 - Introduction of money and the 1p coin
Lesson 2 - Introduction and comparison of 2p, 5p and 10p coins
Lesson 3 - Consider the value of 2p, 5p and 10p coins
Lesson 4 - Consider the value of a set of 2p coins
Lesson 5 - Consider the value of a set of 5p coins and a set of 10p coins
Maths Fluency
Please continue to practise the below maths facts to improve fluency.
This is best done little and often.
Try and practise at least two of the skills a day.
1. Counting on or back from any given number.
Example questions:
- what is one more or one less than ___?
- count backwards from 24 and stop at 8
- count on 10 more than 18
- what is 4 more than 28?
Sing along to the song below to get you in the maths mood!
2. Number Bonds to 10
Example questions:
- 6 and ____ make 10
- if 10 is the whole and I know 7 is one part, what is the missing part?f
- 10 - 5 =
- 10 = 2 + ___
Listen to the song below to get warmed up!
3. Skip counting in 2s, 5s and 10s.
This can be done as chants when doing tasks as a way of timing an activity.
Challenge: Try skip counting backwards.
4. Day of the Week and Months of the year
Example questions:
- Today is ____ what day will it be tomorrow?
- Today is ____ what day was it yesterday?
- Today is _____ what day will it be in ____ days time?
- Which month comes after _____?
- Which months comes before ____?
Writing Activities
This week all our writing tasks are based on Julia Donaldson's story The Snail and The Whale.
I have made a video recording of myself reading it, so it feels more like being back at school.
Follow the link below to watch:
Activity 1 – Rhyming words
Can you listen to the story and find the rhyming pairs?
For example, on the first page of the story I found five rhyming pairs:
1. Snail and whale
2. Soot and foot
3. Rock and dock
4. Sighed and wide
5. Sail and snail
How many can you find in total?
Have a look at the spelling patterns in the words and see what you can notice.
Activity 2 – Character adjectives
The snail is different to the other snails on his rock. He wants adventure and excitement.
Can you draw a picture of the snail in the middle of a piece of paper and then surround
the snail in as many adjectives as you can think of to describe the snail’s character and appearance?
Example adjectives:
Tiny wee
Remember our word class raps:
A noun is a PPT; A person, place or thing.
An adjective describes a noun it tells you what it’s like.
Activity 3 – Character description
I hope you have kept your drawings and adjectives from the last activity, because now it is time to write a character description for the snail.
Below are some sentence starter ideas and I have written an example to give you some inspiration.
Sentence Starters for character descriptions:
Snail has . . ..
She always . . ..
If you met snail, you would . . ..
When snail smiles, . . ..
Everyone who meets snail says that . . ..
Example Character description
Snail is the most adventurous snail this world has ever seen.
Even though she is tiny wee she is as brave as brave can be.
She always tasks risks and challenges herself to do new things.
Snail has bright, wide eyes and a beautiful patterned shell.
When she smiles, she lights up the room and everyone who meets her wants to be her best friend.
Activity 4 – Setting plan
The snail and the whale go on adventures all around the world.
Choose your favourite location that they visit and listen and look closely at what you can see.
Draw the setting you have chosen and label the key features of the setting.
Use adjectives to describe key feature.
Example labels:
I chose the coral reef location to describe.
- Dancing corals
- Hungry sharks
- Stunning, tropical fish
- Elegant octopus
- Crystal clear water
Activity 5 – Setting description
I hope you have kept your drawings and phrases from the last activity, because now it is time to write a setting description for the location you chose.
Below are some sentence starter ideas and I have written an example to give you some inspiration.
Sentence Starters for setting descriptions:
Everywhere you look . . ..
There are . . ..
All around there are . . ..
If you were there you would . . ..
In every corner you will find . . ..
You are surround by . . ..
Beware . . ..
Watch out for . . .
Example Character description
The coral reef is mesmerising. Everywhere you look there are shoals of tropical fish.
Each shoal is more dazzling than the next. The rocks are covered in colourful corals that dance in the crystal clear water.
If you were there you would be blown away by the beauty, but be sure to watch out for the hungry sharks that lurk in caves.
Extra Activity - Research Humpback Whales
I know from our phone conversations that lots of you enjoyed the animal research project I set you before the Easter Holidays, so I wondered if you might like to do a mini research project about Humpback Whales.
Can you find out . . .
What they eat?
Where they live?
What dangers they face?
How big do they grow to be?
Sentence Starters ideas:
Humpback whales eat . . ..
The biggest danger humpback whales face is . . ..
The largest known humpback whale was . . ..
Did you know . . ....?
History Project - Victorian Seaside
Bathing Machines
As I am sure you realise from your research into Victorian swimwear, life at the beach in the Victorian Era was very different to today.
All along the shore there would have been large objects on wheels called Bathing Machines.
Can you research what Bathing Machines looked like and what they were used for?
Then make a mini version of a bathing machine.
Use old cardboard boxes or packaging to make your Bathing Machine.
I would love to see how they turn out, so please remember to email pictures in!
Geography Activities
This week have a look at the geography of the UK.
There are some great videos and quizzes on BBC Bitesize.
Follow the link below.
R.E. Activities
Islam – Ramadan
Ramadan is very important time for Muslims. Follow the link bellow to find out more information about Ramadan.
‘Almost all Muslims try to give up bad habits during Ramadan. It is a time for prayer and good deeds.’
Can you think of at least five good deeds that you could do at home?
I will offer to get a member of my family a glass of cool water on a warm day.
Fun Science Experiment
There are hundreds of different recipes for making slime.
Can you do some research and find the perfect recipe for you.
Think about what ingredients you have at home.
Once you have made your slime, write a set of instructions for someone else to follow.
Instruction Sentence Starters
You will need:
Imperative Verbs for your instructions
Week Commencing 20th April 2020
Dear Year 1,
I hope you all had a good time with your families over Easter.
I am sending a virtual after holidays smile and handshake as we get ready for a different sort of Summer Term.
I will continue to upload weekly tasks for you to have a go at alongside the daily activities that will be updated along the way too.
I will be calling all of your families this Thursday 23rd April and I'm really looking forward to checking in and finding out how you are getting on in these strange times.
Please remember if you have any questions about the tasks or you would like to share something you are proud of please email:
Speak soon,
Mrs Kelly
Weekly Maths Lessons and Activities
Introduction to Multiplication
We are going to use the National Centre for Excellence in the Teaching of Mathematics (NCETM) video resources as our daily maths video lessons.
There are five 20 - 30 minute videos released each week (one for each day) with ideas for activities at the end.
Lesson 1 - Build the concept of units of 2 and count the number of groups of 2
Lesson 2 - Count in twos and count on from a multiple of 2
Lesson 3 - Build the concept of units of 10 and count in tens
Lesson 4 - Count on from a multiple of 10 and identify the number of tens in a multiple of 10
Lesson 5 - Build the concept of units of 5, count in fives and count on from a multiple of 5
Maths Fluency
Please continue to practise the below maths facts to improve fluency.
This is best done little and often.
Try and practise at least two of the skills a day.
1. Counting on or back from any given number.
Example questions:
- what is one more or one less than ___?
- count backwards from 24 and stop at 8
- count on 10 more than 18
- what is 4 more than 28?
Sing along to the song below to get you in the maths mood!
2. Number Bonds to 10
Example questions:
- 6 and ____ make 10
- if 10 is the whole and I know 7 is one part, what is the missing part?f
- 10 - 5 =
- 10 = 2 + ___
Listen to the song below to get warmed up!
3. Skip counting in 2s, 5s and 10s.
This can be done as chants when doing tasks as a way of timing an activity.
Challenge: Try skip counting backwards.
4. Day of the Week and Months of the year
Example questions:
- Today is ____ what day will it be tomorrow?
- Today is ____ what day was it yesterday?
- Today is _____ what day will it be in ____ days time?
- Which month comes after _____?
- Which months comes before ____?
Weekly English Activities
The Day the Crayons Quit by Drew Daywalt
This week we are going to be looking at a picture book, that I'm sure we have read in school before.
It is one of my favourite stories and I hope you enjoy the activities below based on it.
Each day before starting one of the activities I would recommend you listen to the link below to remind yourself of the story.
Activity 1 - Comprehension
Can you listen to the story and find the answers to the below questions.
Challenge yourself to write your answers in full sentences. For example:
Question - Who wrote the story The Day the Crayons Quit?
Answer - Drew Daywalt wrote the story The Day the Crayons Quit.
1. Where was Duncan when he found the letters?
2. Which crayon likes pictures to look neat?
3. Which two crayons are having a disagreement and are not talking to each other?
4. One of the crayons is happy with their work, which crayon is it?
5. Which colour crayon would like to be used to colour a cowboy?
6. What would make peach crayon happy?
Activity 2 - Illustration
Duncan made a beautiful picture to make his crayons happy again.
However, Peach Crayon still needs some clothes.
Can you design and make a new wrapping for Peach Crayon?
Activity 3 - The Great Debate
Yellow and Orange Crayon are both convinced they are the true colour of the sun, but what do YOU think?
Can you write your opinion and give reasons for your choice?
Sentence Starter Ideas:
In my opinion _____ is the true colour of the sun, because . . . . .
I think _______
The reason I think ____ is the real colour of the sun is . . . . .
It is a hard choice, but I would say that ___ is the true colour of the sun.
Activity 4 - Speech Bubbles
Can you draw a box of crayons or each crayon individually and add speech bubbles to each colour to match what they have written in their letters.
For example:
Red Crayon's speech bubble might read 'I am exhausted!'
Yellow Crayon's speech bubble might read 'I am the true colour of the sun!'
Activity 5 - Reply letters
As you can imagine Duncan wanted to make his crayons happy again.
Can you help him write a reply letter to one of the crayons.
I have written one to Red Crayon, can you choose your favourite crayon to write back to?
You can use mine for inspiration and also use the sentence starter ideas below.
Sentence Starter Ideas:
Dear ____ Crayon,
I am so sorry that . . . .
I will try by hardest to . . . . .
I will promise to . . .
In future I will . . . . .
Would it make you happy if I . . . . . .?
Love from Duncan
Example Letter:
Dear Red Crayon,
Thank you for your letter. I had no idea you felt overworked and tired.
I am so terribly sorry and I hope you will forgive me. I will promise to
use pink on Valentines Day for colouring in hearts and I will make sure you get
a rest. Would it make you happy if I drew a blue fire engine for a change?
Love from your very sorry friend,
Weekly History Activity
Seaside Holidays in the Victorian Era
Over the next couple of weeks, I will be setting you mini research projects to find out as much as you can about seaside holidays nearly 200 years ago in the Victorian Era.
As train links grew and journeys became cheaper more and more people began going to the seaside for holidays in the UK.
Each week I will give you a new feature of Victorian Seaside Holidays to research.
Mini Research Project
In the Victorian Era they wore different style clothes to what we wear now.
Can you research what Victorian swimwear would have looked like?
Draw example swimwear for a girl and a boy.
Challenge: When not swimming, what outfits would Victorian people be likely to wear on the beach?
Weekly Science Activity
Magnetic Force
We looked at push and pull forces last term.
This week we are going to have a look at magnetic force.
A magnet is a rock or a piece of metal that can pull certain types of metal toward itself.
The force of magnets, called magnetism, is a basic force of nature.
Magnetism works over a distance.
This means that a magnet does not have to be touching an object to pull it.
Watch the below video to show you an example of how strong magnetic force can be.
First, find a magnet in your house. This could be a fridge magnet or a magnet attached to a toy.
Then, test at least 20 objects in your house to see if the magnet attaches to the objects.
Next, keep a list of all the objects that it pulls towards it and try to work out what material or size objects your magnet attracts.
Finally, see how strong your magnet is, by holding your magnet away from the object (not touching) and see if the object moves towards your magnet.
Challenge: Make a poster to show which household objects are magnetic and which are not.
Weekly Religious Education Activity
Prayers for the NHS
There are hundreds and hundreds of amazing people working hard across the country to care for those who are not well.
Can you write a prayer for these people?
Dear God,
We thank you for our all the amazing doctors, nurses and carers who are working hard to look after others.
Please give them strength and courage to tackle these challenging times.
Music from Mr Cadman's Team
Music Lesson Link - Can You Play Your Rhythm Sticks?
Week Commencing 30th March 2020
Dear Year 1,
Well done for completing two weeks of learning at home.
I look forward to seeing your gratitude journals soon.
If you would like to email pictures of your learning or what you have been up to please send them to: and put Mrs Kelly in the subject so I can see them.
Over the two week Easter Holiday I will not be posting weekly tasks, but it is important to continue to read as often as possible.
Below are some links from with some fun tasks that you may want to have a go at over the holidays.
Remember these tasks are optional.
Have a Happy Easter and don’t eat all your chocolate at once!
Mrs Kelly
Fun Maths Tasks
Fun Writing and Reading Tasks
Fun Arts and Crafts Tasks
The Easter Story
Have a go at listening to The Easter Story and than try to retell it in your own words.
Week 2
Dear Year 1,
I hope you enjoyed making your non-fiction animal fact files last week.
There are lots of new activities below for you to get stuck into as well as the ongoing reading, singing, MindUp and PE activities.
Remember to keep reading as reading is the key to all learning.
I hope you are all well and I am sending big smiles to you all!
Mrs Kelly
Prayers and Singing Assembly
Morning Prayer
Dear Lord,
Thank you for this brand new day.
Help us to embrace opportunities for new learning.
Show us how to listen and love.
Support us and our friends.
Guide us to excellence in all that we do today.
School Prayer
Lord of the loving heart,
May ours be loving too.
Lord of the gentle hands,
May ours be gentle too.
Lord of the willing feet,
May ours be willing too.
So may we grow more like you,
in all we say and do.
Signing Assembly
Daily MindUp and Brain Breaks
Brain Breaks
Every class takes part in three brain breaks throughout the school day. Brain breaks are under five minutes each and give children calm time to focus their minds on one thought at a time. Please follow the link below and give your a child the opportunity to continue these at home. MindUp has put together a bank of resources and activities you may like to explore together at home.
Daily Reading and Phonics
The most important routine to keep up at home is daily reading and listening to stories.
Below is a list of links to allow you to access hundreds of books to read or listen to at home.
Free books to download and read:
Stories to listen to:
A Book a Day by Oliver Jeffers
Phonic sounds to practise:
Words to learn to spell and sight read:
Daily Exercise Ideas
Week 2 Maths Activities
All about 10
Number Bonds to 10
First, trace around your hands and cut the hands out.
Then, stick the base of your two paper hands onto another piece of paper and leave the fingers unstuck.
Next, fold different amounts of fingers down to make all the different number facts within 10.
Finally, record all number facts to 10 and try to practise these as often as possible to fix them in your long term memory.
Example facts:
For the number bonds 2 and 8 make 10 the full range of number facts are:
10 = 8 + 2
10 = 2 + 8
8 + 2 = 10
2 + 8 = 10
10 – 2 = 8
10 – 8 = 2
8 = 10 – 2
2 = 10 – 8
Missing Part or Missing Whole
Year 1 are very familiar with the below chants to help them understand the operations: addition and subtraction. Please practise these are home and see if your child can remember the hand gestures which accompany them.
Addition Chant
With addition we add the parts together to make the whole (hand gesture: hand out separately and then bring them together to make the whole).
Subtraction Chant
With subtraction we start with the whole, we take away one part and we are left with the other part (hand gesture: start with hands held together, then take one hand away and put it behind your back leaving the other hand outstretched in front of you).
Using this understanding of Parts and Whole, then have a go at spotting whether the parts or the whole are missing in the following equations and use the understanding of addition and subtraction to chose the correct operation to complete the equations below.
10 = 7 + ___
I know that with addition we add the parts together to make the whole. I can see I have the whole (10) and I have one part (7), so I need to find the missing part. If I know the whole and I know one part then, I must have to use subtraction to find the missing part. Therefore, I start with the whole (10) and I take away one part (7) to find the missing part. 10 – 7 = 3, so 10 = 7 + 3.
This may seem long winded, but this maths talk and understanding of the operations and the relationship between the two will enable your child to have a much deeper conceptual understanding going forward.
Have a go at the following missing number equations to 10:
10 - ___ = 2
3 + ___ = 10
___ = 10 – 9
___ - 4 = 6
10 – 1 = ____
___ + 5 = 10
0 + ___ = 10
8 = 10 - ___
10 - ___ = 4
0 = 10 - ___
____ + ____ = 10
Adding ones to ten
When we have a one digit number it is just made up of ones (note to parents - these used to be called units!) and when we have a two digit number it is made up of tens and ones. For example in 15 there is one ten and five ones and in 10 there is one ten and zero ones etc.
When adding a one digit number to 10, the tens will stay the same and just the ones will change.
For example:
10 + 3 = 13
There is still one ten and the ones will increase by three, 0 +3 = 3, therefore there will be one ten and three ones which is 13.
Sentence Frame: The answer is 13. In 13 there is 1 ten and 3 ones.
Again all this maths talk will help your child to understand the early concepts of place value and will be invaluable as they begin to tackle larger quantities.
Have a go at the following addition equations and use the sentence frame to describe the make up of your understand:
Sentence Frame: The answer is ___. In ___ there is ___ ten and ___ ones.
10 + 4 = ___
___ = 10 + 7
1 + 10 = ___
10 + 5 = ___
___ = 8 + 10
2 + 10 = ___
10 + 3 = ___
6 + 10 = ___
___ = 9 + 10
Missing equations adding ones to 10
Using the similar maths talk to earlier in the week, have a go at the following equations. These answers should come very quickly, but ensuring the maths talk is there will be essential to an in depth understanding.
For example:
10 + ___ = 19
Maths Talk: This is an addition equation, I can see that one of the parts is missing. The whole has 1 ten and 9 ones. One of my parts is 10 therefore the missing part must be the 9 ones. 9 ones is 9. The missing part is 9. 10 + 9 = 19
Have a go at the below equations:
10 + ___ = 12
4 + ___ = 14
15 = 10 + ___
___ + 6 = 16
10 + ___ = 13
11 = 10 + ___
9 + ___ = 19
10 + ___ = 18
7 + ___ = 17
Practise Makes Permanent
Number facts to 10 are a base for so much maths going forward. Committing all these number facts to memory will be hugely valuable, so your last challenge of the week is to get creative with learning this facts. How can you record and learn them? In a picture, using household objects, with your fingers or toes? Have a go and take a picture of your way to learn them. I look forward to seeing your pictures soon!
Week 2 Writing Activities
Gratitude Journal
This week I would like you to keep a gratitude journal. It is important to try to keep a optimistic mindset, so this week can you think of one or two things that have happened each day that you are grateful for. Write these down under the day’s date. You can draw pictures to illustrate your sentences when you are finished. Use the sentence starters below to help you form full sentences.
Capital Letters
Full Stops
Finger spaces
Neatest handwriting
Use phonic sounds to help you spell
Sentence Starters Ideas:
Today I am grateful for . . . . .
I am thankful that . . . .
I feel grateful that . . . .
Example Journal Input:
Monday 30th March 2020
Today I am grateful that I can hear birds singing, because they remind me that warmer weather is coming. I am also grateful that I get to spend lots of time with my family and share stories together.
Have a chat with others at home and see what they are grateful for each day. Maybe as a challenge you could keep a record of what others are grateful for too.
Example: My sister is grateful that I helped her brush her hair this morning and that she read a record number of pages in her reading book.
Week 2 Science Activities
Push and Pull
In Year 1 we have been learning about the push and pull forces used to move objects.
Can you go on a hunt around your home, test how different objects move and make a list of which objects you pull to move and which objects you push to move.
toy car
Washing Hand Experience
First, make a shallow puddle of water at the bottom of a bowl.
Then, sprinkle pepper into the water.
Next, put your finger into the pepper water and see how much pepper comes off on your finger.
After that, put a blob of soap on your finger tip.
Finally, put your soapy finger into the peppery water and see what happens.
Now imagine the pepper is germs and then have a think about what this experience reminds us about hand washing.
Below is a video of someone else doing the experience - only watch this after you have done it and see if you got the same results.
Week 2 Art
Artists Through Time
Each week we are going to look at different styles of famous artists through time. Remember to hold onto each attempt and at the end you will be able to compare the styles and choose your favourite. Last week you created portraits based on the style of artist Pablo Picasso. This week can you create pieces of work based on Vincent van Gogh's style?
Vincent van Gogh was Dutch. He was born in 1853 and he died in 1890. He was 28 years old when Picasso was born and he was born just 11 years after Grace Darling died and 187 years after The Great Fire of London. Queen Victoria was the Queen of England for his entire life.
Watch the video below and then try to create your own piece of artwork inspired by his style. You could pause the video on your favourite painting and have a go at copying it. Use whichever medium you like: pens, paints or a pencil sketch.
Week Commencing 23rd March 2020
Dear Year 1 class and parents,
I hope you are keeping well and safe.
Please find below links for daily reading, phonics and MindUp practise. There will be weekly maths, writing, art and some topic activities uploaded too.
Try to take some time each day to think about what you are grateful/thankful for from your day. This may be a piece of work you did, a joke you shared or a delicious meal you had.
Look forward to seeing you all soon,
Mrs Kelly
Prayers and Singing Assembly
Morning Prayer
Dear Lord,
Thank you for this brand new day.
Help us to embrace opportunities for new learning.
Show us how to listen and love.
Support us and our friends.
Guide us to excellence in all that we do today.
School Prayer
Lord of the loving heart,
May ours be loving too.
Lord of the gentle hands,
May ours be gentle too.
Lord of the willing feet,
May ours be willing too.
So may we grow more like you,
in all we say and do.
Signing Assembly
Daily MindUp and Brain Breaks
Brain Breaks
Every class takes part in three brain breaks throughout the school day. Brain breaks are under five minutes each and give children calm time to focus their minds on one thought at a time. Please follow the link below and give your a child the opportunity to continue these at home. MindUp has put together a bank of resources and activities you may like to explore together at home.
MindUp Activities and Brain Break Video
Daily Reading and Phonics
Reading and Phonics Resources
The most important routine to keep up at home is daily reading and listening to stories.
Below is a list of links to allow you to access hundreds of books to read or listen to at home.
Free books to download and read:
Stories to listen to:
Michael Rosen's Stories and Poems
Phonic Sounds to practise:
Words to learn to spell and sight read:
Daily Exercise Ideas
The Body Coach Daily PE Lessons for Kids
Week 1 Maths Activities
Skip Counting
First, find as many single socks or shoes as you can in your home.
Then, match them into pairs.
Finally, skip count in 2s to see how many socks or shoes you have in total.
e.g. 2, 4, 6, 8 . . . .
Can you skip count backwards in 2s?
e.g. 10, 8, 6, 4 . . . .
You could also practise skip counting in 2s, 5s or 10s using 2p, 5p and 10p coins.
How many different ways can you make . . . ?
Using 1p, 2p, 5p and 10p coins, record as many different ways you can make 10p as you can.
For example:
5p + 5p = 10p
2p + 2p + 1p + 5p = 10p
You could write them out as equations like I have done above or you could draw purses and draw the coins in the different purses. It is up to you?
Once you have found all the ways to make 10p. Have a go at finding all the ways to make 15p and 20p.
Jill has five coins and the total value is 15p. What five coins does she have?
Can you find the change?
Jack goes to the supermarket with 10p in his pocket.
There are lots of different items he could buy.
Have a look at the list below:
apple - 4p
banana - 6p
biscuit - 7p
pear - 5p
slice of cake - 9p
carrot - 3p
broccoli - 8p
grape - 2p
1. Can you work out how much change he would get it he brought each item?
2. What coins would be used to make this change?
For example if he brought the apple for 4p he would need 6p change which could be given to him as a 5p and a 1p coin.
Now imagine there are no 1p coins in the till at the shop. Which items would Jack not be able to get the correct change for if he brought them?
Week 1 Writing Activities
Non-fiction Books
Year 1 wrote some brilliant penguin fact files in the first term.
Now they will be picking their favourite animal to write about.
Over the next few days your challenge is to make a second animal book.
Day 1 should be a research day. Then, the following four days should be dedicated to one of the four sub-heading you will find below.
Borrow a device from an adult and use a child friendly search engine, for example: to discover some facts about your animal.
Watch videos and read articles to find out as much as you can about your chosen animal.
Your books will should have four pages of writing. Below are the four sub-heading to find information for.
1. Habitat – Where does your chosen animal naturally live? In a rainforest, polar region or ocean perhaps?
2. Diet – What does your chosen animal eat?
3. Dangers – What other animals hunt your animals or humans hunt your animal, if any?
4. Fun Facts – Try to discover some extra information that makes your animal unique. For example: Penguin have spiky tongues.
Top Tips
When you are writing your four pages remember the following tips:
1. Each page should have a sub-heading at the top.
2. Remember capital letters, finger spaces and full stops or question marks at the end of your sentences or questions.
3. Use your Phase 3 and Phase 5 and alphabet letter mats to help you spell words independently.
4. Use some of the below sentence starters to help you with the structure of your writing.
5. Challenge yourself to include adjectives to add detail and try and use 'and' or 'so' sentences. For example: Snakes shed their skin, so they can continue to grow and get rid of parasites that may have attached to their old skin.
Sentence Starter Ideas
Most _______ . . . . .
Some _________ . . . . . .
Did you know . . . . . . .?
Example Page
Snakes are found all over the world. They can be found living on every continent except Antarctica.
Some snakes live on land and others live in water. Most snakes live in warm, tropical places. Rainforests
are home to poisonous snakes and also to constrictors. Did you know that rattlesnakes live in deserts?
Week 1 Art
Artists Through Time
Over the next few weeks we are going to look at different artistic styles and have a go and drawing, painting or creating pieces of work in the style of the artists. Hold onto each attempt and at the end you will be able to compare the styles and choose your favourite.
This week have a go at creating a portrait in the style of the famous artist: Pablo Picasso.
Pablo Picasso was Spanish. He was born in 1881 and he died in 1973. Keep reading to find out where he fits on a timeline of people we have learnt about in class. He was born 215 years after The Great Fire of London and 39 years after Grace Darling died. He was alive at the same time Captain Scot went to Antartica and he was born when Queen Victoria was the Queen of England and when he died our current queen, Queen Elizabeth II was the Queen of England.
Have a watch of the video below which shows you some of Picasso's portraits and then have a go at making your own.
Week 1 Topic
Watch the video below to remind you about some of the facts about the 7 continents of the world and then have a go at the quiz (link below).